So I got that HM-11 stuffed with TI's CC2541 chip and it took me hours to at least discover other devices. Don't understand me wrong, the CC is really powerful but a good documentation would be awesome ;)
Here is my sample Arduino code that will list BLE devices in range. The output is the devices (cropped) name and its address. Afterwards you can still communicate via UART.
I wrote this for Arduino DUE. For other Arduinos change Serial1 to a SoftwareSerial. However I am not sure if the module is okay with 5V levels, I found different specs on this.
You can check the manual here.
#define baud 9600 void setup() { // Open serial communications and wait for port to open: Serial.begin(baud); Serial1.begin(baud); at("AT"); // check if working, always returns OK at("AT+ROLE1"); // select master = central at("AT+RESET"); // actually more a restart than a reset .. needed after ROLE at("AT+SHOW1"); // include Bluetooth name in response at("AT+IMME1"); // "work immediately", not sure what this does at("AT+FILT0"); // show all BLE devices, not only HM ones delay(1000); // wait a bit, NECESSARY!! Serial1.print("AT+DISC?"); // here comes the magic } void at(char* cmd) { Serial1.write(cmd); Serial.print(cmd); while(!Serial1.find("OK")) Serial.print("."); Serial.println(" .. OK"); } void loop() // run over and over { if (Serial1.available()) Serial.write(; if (Serial.available()) Serial1.write(; }
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