Forget Android Emulator, forget VirtualBox use Genymotion

For those who still struggle to debug & develop with Android Emulators, are tired of its bugs and crashes, its limitations and don't want to setup android-x86 on their own: Use Genymotion. It is awesome! 
All you need to do is: 

  1. Install VirtualBox (just install nothing else)
  2. Install & Run Genymotion
Thats it! Genymotion also supports WiFi (hurray), screen orientation and has currently about 20 preconfigured devices (from Xoom, Samsung's flagships to Nexus, ...). It is free for personal use, but also worth to spend 99€ (w/o support) / 299€ (w/ support) a year to get additional features like PixelPerfect and custom sensor values with Genymotion API for advanced testing.

I tried and it is incredibly fast & stable - way faster than (Intel HAX) Android. Also it comes with cool ROMs that already have a FileManager for example. That is of course easy to add to the default Android Emu, but it is still nice to have.

Another thing I really loved is it's fullscreen mode. It keeps your device setup but adopts your screen size. On a Retina MacBook I was able to let Android run at 3840x2400. But I'd recommend to use a really high density for that! Also it perfectly reacts to Mac Touchpads (unlike Android Emu).

Downside: I haven't found a way yet to setup heap-size in settings. Though it should be possible through adb shell.

Get Genymotion

The time widget is located at the most right position. Stock Launcher is not made for high res ;)

... Neither is the drawer
